Wishing you our best for the holidays, and happiness and health for the coming year. From our team to your family. See you back at the clinic on January 6, 2025! NOTE: a minor price increase will take effect on January 1, along with some additional package and membership offerings.


Why colonics? True body health! To maintain proper daily function, you must have a properly working gut and upper GI system. If you’re not pooping, you’re not living! We don’t talk about poop enough. It is literally the most important thing to keep your eye on. Your poop tells you everything! Cleaning the colon decreases the toxic load on the body’s elimination organs. It resets balance and ... Read More

Why colonics? True body health! To maintain proper daily function, you must have a properly working gut and upper GI system. If you’re not pooping, you’re not living! We don’t talk about poop enough. It is literally the most important thing to keep your eye on. Your poop tells you everything! Cleaning the colon decreases the toxic load on the body’s elimination organs. It resets balance and enhances immune function.

Why clean your colon? Why wouldn’t you clean your colon…

Our process includes, hydration, abdominal massage, additives / implants as needed, and a post-treatment probiotic.


Add-ons and Implants are not standalone treatments. They are added to a colonic booking. We use them frequently in clinic to enhance the results of your colonic session by targeting your specific needs.


Enemas are targeted treatments. Speak to your Therapist and find out if enemas should be part of your overall health protocol. People administer enemas for various reasons, but they are generally used to clear toxins from your digestive system, bind to heavy metals, or improve glutathione levels in the liver. If you want to detoxify your body and cleanse your colon, an enema might be the way t... Read More

Enemas are targeted treatments. Speak to your Therapist and find out if enemas should be part of your overall health protocol. People administer enemas for various reasons, but they are generally used to clear toxins from your digestive system, bind to heavy metals, or improve glutathione levels in the liver. If you want to detoxify your body and cleanse your colon, an enema might be the way to go! However, you should always consult with a professional about the benefits and risks of enemas before trying them on your own.


Questions? Book a consultation! For an in-depth conversation about your specific symptoms and goals, book an in-person consultation, or simply book a "FIRST TIMER" session.

Owner / Operator


Certified since 2004 and a user of colonics since 1985.

why colonics?

I have great passion for what I do, because of my own personal experience with gut health issues and how using colonics as a maintenance tool can solve so many health issues. My own health is better now than ever before.

Through our own special methods and treatments at Vitalife, we see clients getting results from their treatments. I know I am doing exactly what I was meant to do and feel very fortunate to have clients who trust me with their long-term health goals.

jody says

Colonics are not just about poop. Properly administered, they contribute to overall body health.

When you visit Vitalife, you will learn about the importance of colon maintenance and how it relates to your overall health, and you will leave feeling better.

Owner / Operator experience Certified since 2004 and a user of colonics since 1985. why coloni... Read More


Sam is certified as a Wholistic Nutritionist and has been working here at Vitalife as a Colon Hydrotherapist since 2017.

why colonics?

As a firm believer in the profound impact that colon health, proper nutrition, and liver maintenance can have on our well-being, Sam continues to value her work here at the clinic, as well as raise her two young children with the same healthy values we work and live by here at the clinic.

samantha says

Working with clients one on one, and seeing the results they achieve through using our methods and treatments here at Vitalife keeps me energized and wanting to do more and more work of this kind.

experience Sam is certified as a Wholistic Nutritionist and has been working here at Vitalife as ... Read More

Located at: 2251 Queen St E, Downstairs UNIT A, Toronto
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